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Meet UltraShape® Power. The non-thermal ultrasound system for body contouring.


At Luminous Skin and Laser Tampa, we use UltraShape -- Tampa’s latest technology in non-surgical fat removal. UltraShape Power reduces stubborn fat, all without the risks associated with invasive surgical procedures (such as liposuction). Its advanced non-thermal ultrasound system offers non-invasive body sculpting, resulting in an effective, fast and safe laser fat removal treatment with zero downtime.

UltraShape Power is FDA-cleared for non-surgical fat reduction in the abdomen, flans (love handles) and thighs. We are proud to offer some of the most effective laser fat removal in Tampa, with body sculpting techniques that offer exceptional results!

How Does UltraShape Work?

UltraShape gently destroys fat by delivering non-thermal ultrasound energy into specific areas to achieve targeted fat loss. Focused ultrasound energy is delivered to tissue within a precise volume at controlled depths, to prompt unstable cavitation in interstitial fluid. These changes in acoustic pressure cause the formation and implosion on bubbles. This then releases energy to the fat tissue, causing the selective breakdown of fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissue. Your body then safely disposes of the destroyed fat cells, using its natural physiological pathways.

What Areas Can Be Treated With UltraShape?

UltraShape is not indicated as an overall weight-loss system, but rather as a way to target specific areas of stubborn localized fat. The most common areas UltraShape can treat include arms, abdomen, love handles, inner and outer thighs and buttocks.


UltraShape PoweR, Destroy fat gently.

UltraShape® Power is FDA-cleared for non-invasive reduction in abdominal circumference and fat reduction in the abdomen, flanks, and thighs.

It gently destroys fat by delivering non-thermal ultrasound energy waves that are:

Interstitial fluid is subjected to rapid alterations of acoustic pressure, causing the formation and implosion of bubbles. This releases energy that causes the immediate breakdown of the fat cells without affecting the surrounding structures.

The oscillating high pressure induces selective destruction of the fat cell membranes, resulting in fat cell destruction.

Debris from the destroyed fat cells is processed by the body’s natural physiological and metabolic pathways.6

Here’s how UltraShape Power keeps the focus on fat

Focused ultrasound energy is delivered only to tissue within a precise focal volume at controlled depths and induces unstable cavitation in fluids.

When Will I Notice Results?

After your UltraShape treatment, your body will gradually eliminate the destroyed fat cells by its natural pathways. This process starts right after your procedure but takes a few weeks to for results to be noticeable. You can expect to see significant results within four weeks after your treatment, with some patients reaching peak results at around week six.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

Most patients usually require a minimum of three sessions that are typically spaced two weeks apart. That said, the amount of courses required to achieve desired results varies from patient to patient.

At Luminous Skin and Laser, all our treatments are tailored to suit your specific needs. Before your treatment, your therapist will determine the number of sessions required upon assessment of your case.

Who is a Suitable Candidate for this Procedure?

UltraShape is not a weight loss program and should not be used as such. The ideal patient for this procedure is already in, or close to a healthy weight and ideally should be someone who leads a healthy lifestyle. UltraShape is a body contouring technique that is perfect for those looking to shed stubborn fat deposits that are otherwise resistant to diet and exercise.

Body sculpting can also help you achieve toned arms, a flatter abdomen and reduced love-handles, thighs and buttocks.

Is There Any Downtime to this Procedure?

Unlike more invasive fat reduction procedures such as liposuction, there’s no downtime to UltraShape. The treatment itself is very quick and painless. You can resume your normal activities on the day of your session.

Is Treatment Painful?

UltraShape is a walk-in, walk-out body contouring treatment that is virtually painless. Its pulsed ultrasound technology allows for a very comfortable procedure for 96% of patients. The process is so seamless that most patients find it very relaxing.


The system’s customized handpieces are designed to treat the introitus, vaginal canal, and external genitalia.

The world's most wanted energy-based treatment.

Contact Us: 813-230-3060

If you are thinking of trying body contouring but are unsure if it’s the right treatment for you, feel free to reach out to us! At Luminous Skin and Laser Tampa, our highly skilled therapists can answer all the questions you may have about UltraShape in Tampa. We’re the experts in laser fat removal in the Tampa Bay area and would love to help you achieve and maintain your body goals. To learn more, contact us today or fill out or online form!